Her father, Abraham Mansur was 36, and her mother, Praxedis Guevara de Mansur was 19.
My Maternal Grandparents also had 10 children, 5 girls and 5 boys. My mother was the oldest of the girls.
My BEAUTIFUL Mother passed away 14 years ago.

Master Chefs Jasmine, John and Julie
Julie's "Snapdragon" Roll.
Signature Rolls:
John: "The Last Saumrai" and "Sushi School"
Julie: "Snapdragon" and "Snapdragon II"
Jasmine: Rice architect - but I forgot her roll name :(
Joe: "The Mountain of Power" and "Jomomaki"
Hi everyone,
I was reading the daily Avocado and I tried (for the first time) looking at the video clips located on the right side of the page.....and Amy and I laughed and laughed at Joe and Julie on the Magic Carpet ride in Las Vegas. After watching...I was wondering if the video clips I take on my little digital camera would work on the Avocado....so I uploaded a short clip from our trip to Austria last summer. I simply opened the window of our hotel room and took a short clip. If this works....I'll add more video in later posting.
Love to you all......
PS---> Sue, I also went to "your my space" page.....it is great and YOU are an amazing talent!!!
Several days after Christmas everyone had to get back to their lives........so Amy and I were alone and we decided to run off to the mountains and enjoy bringing in the new year in our home away from home....Salida. We watched firew0rks going off on Monarch Ski Mountain on New Year's eve (it was -10 degrees)....then we headed back into town for a great News Years dinner....followed by joining much of the rest of Salida in dancing in the new year to a great blues band at the "Old Vic" bar in downtown Salida. The next day we started 2008 by snowshoeing along Cottonwood Pass. It was a wonderful way to end the old year and start the new year!
Amy and I hope that 2008 is a year filled with peace, good health, and love to everyone in our wonderful families.
Love, Amy and Greg