We didn't pack everything into the pod.. We drove to CO with the most important stuff (wedding rings, passports, french press, bullet-juicer and of course... .the bikes!) Check out that sweet rack!
Our last pull out of our garage on Gelia way (our home in San Jose). As we drove away I got a lump in my throat as I looked back in the direction of all our friends, at the mountains so close to our house and to a place where every weekend was a restful vacation that cleared your mind regardless of the stresses of the week.
I will always remember the Bay Area as a day at Los Gatos farmers market with Julie hand picking dinner for Sunday Night...
... as a weekend trip to San Francisco to make home-sushi with the Reeves...
... as the excitement of Christmas morning every Saturday when the alarm rang at 5AM for my Mountain bike ride with Russ and Eric....
... as a raging party hosted by the Valdez family who embraced us like a second family and rejuvenated us with laughter, dancing and chilled tequila shots!
... and as weekend getaways with Julie to all the beautiful beaches and vineyards that make California such an incredibly unique place.
As difficult as it was to leave, we are now getting settled and starting to enjoy ourselves back in Denver. We've brought back a lot of our California life style with us, which, paired with all the growth and change that has happened in Colorado in the last three years, gives our old home an element of mystery and surprise that we are now beginning to embrace.
It is wonderful to be close to our family and childhood friends, to be able to see our parents on a Wednesday night, with no need for a flight reservation and to live in a house that is our own.....