We have SO much for which to be thankful................
Flowers, Wreath & Table Cloth, By Sue< Full Belly, Happy Heart, By Sue
Welcome To Casa Morales
Beautiful Family!
Alex, waiting to inhale.......
Inhaling his Mom's Chocolate Silk Pie
Los Tortolitos, ready to nap after TWO Thanksgiving Dinners: One at the Reed's at 1 PM, the other at the Morales' at 5 PM....YAWN!!!!!
John & Deb
The Beauty And The Mamacitas
Otra Beauty / Mamacita!
True Love.........Set Ep........Little Girl!
Kyle Griffith, Josh's friend, was visiting from Chicago
The Childhood Friends (they met when they were 9 years old) with Joe Sr.
As Always..........Wonderful Memories were made, stories re-told, ideas exchanged, food deliciously indulged,laughs shared and hearts filled with joy.
!Muchas Gracias a Todos!