Saturday, June 16, 2007

My First Time in Washington DC

I had a work conference in Washington DC this week. We had a group activity to play Whiffle Ball at "The Mall" and then we had the opportunity to go check out a bunch of really cool places... Lincoln Memorial, Viet Nam Memorial etc. Very impressive, historical and beatiful!! I'd never been there before!

The Washington Monument

WWII Memorial with teamates and
co-travelers to Alaska!
(Sean Lambert - "The Boss", Vidhya Sinnatamby, Liz Kennedy, Me and Tom Ansley)

The Memorial of an in-law! Did you know?Julie is a distance relative of Abraham Lincoln. Her grandmother Polly's maiden name is even Lincoln!

1 comment:

MoonRaka said...


What an incredible City! I've been there twice, with work, but have not had the opportunity to do the Tourist Thing. I think Dad, Josh and I definetely need to take a long weekend trip to DC. A want to look Abe and George in the eye and THANK them for contributing to make our lives what they are now.

BTW, our Realtor, JD Dahl is there right now with his family for vacation. He knows someone that does business with the CIA and the FBI, and they got hooked up to do a Private(Just JD, his family and a guide) Tour of the White House. How Special Is That?