Hello from the Reed family!
This will be my first attempt at posting so we'll see how this goes!
Back to school for Amber !!!!
This is the time of the year that schools all "start up" again and this year, before the students returned... Amy helped Amber set up her new classroom at South Elementary School in Castle Rock. The kids started yesterday (8-13-07) and Amy visited in the afternoon so she could take a few "first day of school" pictures of Amber and her students. Amber spent last Sunday afternoon with us and before she left, she sang a few bars of the, "I can't believe I have to get up in the morning and go to work blues" as she drove off Sunday night.
Back to school for Amy !!!!!!
Amy is also headed back to school (for three weeks)! The Aurora Public Schools contacted her last week and asked if she would be willing to help assess incoming kindergartners for the next few weeks. As anyone who knows Amy can attest....she LOVES children so it
Back to school for Greg!
I am still working part-time (for both Metropolitan State College and an organization called School Leaders for Colorado) so I have also returned to work this month. However, my jobs are flexible so it's not hard for me to find time to join Amy in the "retired" mode. Additionally, most of the time I can set my own work schedule which usually doesn't start before 9 or 10 in the morning......after reading the newspaper.......after going for a walk....after puttering around the house......etc etc etc :-)
Our 36th anniversary!!!

August is a special month for Amy and I as our anniversary is August 14th! We are still so very much in love.....and we are blessed with good friends and a wonderful, supportive, loving family.
We wish all of you the same!!!!!!!!
Finally........Joe (Jr.) and Raquel......Amy and I loved your "I am from poems."
last Sunday before the beginning her Mondays off to work
it's not just the students who wave farewell to summer.....it's the teachers as well. Well in a household of teachers
The Reed's started off with a bang! It's great to see your first posting on the "BLOG". School is back in session and you are obviousy enjoying the moment. Greg and Amy, congratulations on your 36th wedding anniversary, its' great to know that LOVE is in the thin air of Colorado. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Hi parents - your post is REAL nice! ;) Happy Anniversary!!
Great post and Happy Anniversary! I saw your email that the post wasn't showing up but looks like you got it all squared away...
Well have fun at school guys!
Amber & Amy,
How's school going so far ? As I said, I just CANNOT believe Summer vacation is GONE!
Amy, you'll have to tell me how it feels to be back, if only for 3 weeks, but back to the grind. I think you are very lucky to get to experience a "Short" Come Back", which will be very telling.
Amber, please keep the Fun e-mails coming.
Suegro Senor Greg., Great Job on the BLOG Posting. Are you ever going to really retire ?
I think LOVING what you do is a true GIFT.
Con Carino, MoonRaka
I'm so glad the Reeds blogged! Not a single typo; definitely a learned family. I love to see relationships that last. Tears of joy to all of y'all who have lasted and still adore eachother.
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