Learning to ride a motorcycle was an experience that challenged me in EVERY possible way. Therefore, I am VERY proud to be able to say that I am a Licensed Motorcycle Rider. I have a NEW Respect for the Road, the elements and ALL my fellow Riders.
I can't wait until my Jolly Rancher comes home from Europe so we can go out and practice my new skills.
May The Force Be With You. Head And Eyes Up!
That is so awesome! Did you wear a helmet, or are you going to wear one for a while till you get the hang of it? Hopefully John will get his "Big Chief" soon and we can hit the open road and look for the best wings in Colorado!
Oh by the way I'm still waiting for the chicken tinga recipe. That sounds REALLY good!
Yes Aunt Deibie, I DID wear a helmet , long sleeves, jeans, eye protection, gloves.....the WORKS! Terese, our Instructor, would NOT even think about letting us want to "Look Cool".....it was ALL about SAFETY.
Have you tried the Wings at The Piper Inn yet ? They are pretty Damn Good!
YES, the TINGA Recipe..........I'll post it later on today. Thanks for reminding me.
Wow, que fuerte!
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