Monday, October 22, 2007

Suzy's Tour- Lisboa, Portugal

We only had a tiny bit of time here, and on our way to the airport, both of our cabs crashed. Scary driving!@#


Deb said...

OOOH I love those flowers. Awesome color.. You know me, I don't care for the pink ones. Can you grow those in your garden?

Joe Morales said...

How funny! I was in Lisboa for a weekend and I was pulled over for a traffic violation. I thought with Spanish I could get by but Portuguese really sounds like Russian to me! All I could get from the cop was that I was not supposed to have done 'something' at the "segut cruchimiento" (second intersection maybe??)

I agree about the traffic! Too many segut cruchimientos!

Suzanne said...

Those drivers in Lisboa should eat some fiber. I can't believe you drove there. You are crazy!

Joe Morales said...

Segut Cruchimiento