Monday, October 22, 2007

Suzy's Tour- Sevilla, Spain

What a joy Sevilla was. We found out a hole-in-the-wall place, called Los Gallos, that had some incredible dancers and musicians. The locals steered us there. I have video, but I'm afraid to attempt the upload. Plus, the dancer I filmed, before I got caught, was so tall from the front row that I had to turn my camera sideways. Hard to watch that way. The Gargoyle photos is for you Deb.


Deb said...

As soon as I saw that picture, I wanted it for my backyard. The real thing!! That is sooooo cool WOW! Thanks for thinking of me

Suzanne said...

Gotta print it on canvas or watercolor paper.

MoonRaka said...

Cuncu, the COLORS again.
I'm sorry you are "Rosada" , but it was worth it, no ?