Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My mom's 82nd birthday and a hunting trip to South Dakota with Joey!

Amy and I are fine and we hope all of you are also in good health and spirits! On November 2nd my mother threw a "by me for me" birthday party to which all immediate family members received invitations with a hand written note saying, "i expect you to be there!" Soooo......with lots of laughter and good wishes everyone attended to help my mom celebrate her 82nd birthday!

Amber and Julie with their grand mothers birthday cake!

Polly with her grand daughtes!

The "kitchen table group!"

Another November event in our family was the annual Pheasant hunting trip to South Dakota. I've been going to the same farm for the past 12 years with some very good friends and this year Joe (Jr) joined me. The trip is something I always look forward to but having Joe with me made this year's trip extra special.

Joe trying out an M-16.
Joe getting some practice before
the hunt!
Love to all,
Greg and Amy


Julie said...

Looks like fun! Dad I am impressed that you posted video - nice touch!

MoonRaka said...

Great Birthday pictures Greg. Ms. Polly is truly a GEM!
I got to see her , Joe and Jeanine (sp?) on Tuesday again, at lunch at Brio Restaurant in Park Meadows. It was a very nice surprise!

Thanks for the hunting pictures and the VIDEO.......WOW!!!!! Look at you, Senor Technology!
I really like that "Hunting" Orange of the vests. It definitely does the job!

Deb said...

WOW! Cool video!
Joey you look like a natural. Did you get anything?

Joe Morales said...

Hey Deb,

I had a good teacher. Greg took me to the shooting range the week before to warm up. I was thinking about J when I was holding that M 16.

We had a really great time out there. I did get some birds. We're making braised Pheasant tonight!

Deb said...

That's so cool Joey.
I grew up doing stuff like that. We never bought meat from the store.....
So how was the recoil on the M 16? That's one gun I've never shot.
Let me know how the pheasant turns out.

Joe Morales said...

Yeah.. it's definitely a powerful thing. The shape of the bullets is freaky too. Built to pierce whatever they hit. I also shot a huge pistol. can't remember what kind but you had to aim 3 inches below your target to account for the recoil... Crazy power.

I didn't know you used to do that stuff. That's cool. Do you miss it?

Deb said...

Yea I grew up in Tennessee, so hunting, fishing, raising, and killing farm animals for meat was just a part of our lifestyle, but no I don't really miss it, it was just out of necessity for us. Although I do still enjoy fishing.
We also had about a 2 acre garden that we grew our own vegetables in... We really hardly went to the grocery store.
I think the last thing I shot was a giant snake when we lived in Texas, and Kench had no idea that I had it in me and was quite impressed.

I think I might fare pretty well if I could ever get on Survivor! HAHAHA