Have an interesting story to tell. Last week Julie and I did the Elephant Rock ride in Castle rock. It was a 34 mile road bike ride. Here is part of the route but our GPS messed up half way through :( Julie did great by the way.. it was only her 5th road bike ride and she was able to push through without stopping once (except to take a photo with Pikes Peak in the background).
Julie and I ready to start....

Our buddy Dave met up with us. For those who haven't met him he is the husband of Julie's highschool friend Darci... Dave hit 48 mph on this ride! Very good control for his first year road biking! (Now I won't tell you why yet.. but take a good look at Dave, remember his face and then continue reading... )

Julie scaling a climb! there was a lot of hill climbing on this ride.

Julie - Dave - Joe... We were joking all day about tough nicknames... So we were calling Julie "White Lightning", Dave "The Blue Marauder" and I was the "Black Bomber"
So we had a great ride...... Then just yesterday we get an email from Dave saying that he was driving home from Aspen over independence pass. He said it was snowy and sleety and he saw a group of cyclists getting ready to ride the pass. He looked closer and noticed who they were... In his email he said "Hey Guys, I met the "REAL BLACK BOMBER" this weekend.... So below is a picture of Dave with the Real Black bomber.... Scroll Down....
THAT IS SOOOO COOOOL! Are you jealous Joe?
OMG!!!!! Now THAT'S a story to tell. This is SO incredible.............I'm so happy, I can't wipe te smile off my face.
Dave was chosen by the "Riding Gods" to run into BB.
Julie, I mean, White Lightening, you ROCK!!!
BB Wannabe,thanks for regaling me with this joyous story.
Very cool posting. Just so you know Joey, you will always be the true Black Bomber to us.
Hahah.. Well there is a very short list of people that I'd accept using my nickname.. For Lance Armstrong.. I think it is OK! I'll just go back to my old name: "Master Blaster".. Probably better than BB anyway
Major Jealous!!!
Wow! Love you guys!
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