It's been a very busy July and some of the Family's activities of this Summer, so far include, but are not limited to: Three Birthdays, a 4th of July Weekend Motorcycle Ride, Sue's Volunteer Work, Joey and Julie's Fence Building and pictures of our house for the Richmond American Builder's Marketing Materials.....SO, without further ado............Las Noticias Del Mes de Julio!
We had 3 Family Birthdays in July: Grampie, John and Paul.
Happy Birthday, We love you!
Grampie, July 11

John, July 12 (with the brothers)

Pauly, July 15 (with Moma)

4th of July Weekend Ride:
On Saturday, July 5th, we decided to take a ride up north with John and Deb. We didn't want to fight holliday highway traffic, but wanted to do a worth while ride. Joe found a "Rider's Market" with the use of his latest toy: The I-phone. So we headed out and...Our first location, the "Riders Market" was....How Ju Say..... LAME., but we did find some very affordable riding gloves for MOI.

Hit the Road Jack.....we then headed out to Frederickson, up a bit further North. John and Deb had been looking for lighter weight riding jackets, and we thought the Harley Dealer would have them.

We were right..........check out the "Cunado" (brother In Law).... I think I like it.

This One for the Hot Riding Deb ? Oh Yeah!!!!!

Los Runway Models

A quick snack before heading's getting cloudy out.

We better head back home

We also made a stop at The Rock, a restaurant close to John & Deb's house and had great chicken wings and nachos. YES, we forgot to take in the the camera. While at The Rock, we could literally see the clouds hovering over us in the patio of the restaurant, so we hurried home. John and Deb were 3 minutes from their house.....................BUT, the Storm got Joe and I. We got pellted by hail and sideways rain. It's good to ALWAYS carry your rain gear.
I never said rain gear was "Fashionable"
Susie's Volunteer Work: Sue works with an Organization called Colorado Fur Babies, which has agreements with High Kill Shelters in different parts of the country, and they give CFB a call before they put down dogs and cats (Sue takes in dogs) to let them save as many as humanly possible. The director makes arrangements to get them , and volunteers take them into their homes and care for them until they are adopted. CFB is a non- profit organization that is 100% No Kill. Animals are kept forever if need be. CFB has a local good hearted vet (he's a saint) who treats the pups for whatever is needed, shots, spaying/neutering (when they're old enough) at a discounted price. Sue has been working with Colorado Fur Babies since the beginning of May and she has already placed 20 perritos. We've always known that she's our Dog Whisperette, knows what she's doing, and her Perritos are always the best behaved at the Adoption Events. My Handy (Sister-In-Law) has a BIG Heart!
Here are Sue and Fat Boy, one of her latest babies:

La Casa De Los Tortolos (Love Birds):, One of Joey's many projects for this Summer was building a fence. he thought he needed some help with the last panels to put up. He asked if we'd like to come over on a Sunday, have Joe Sr. and Josh help him with the fence, and end up a "hard day's work" with a meal of roasted veggie sandwiches. SO, as we were getting in the car to leave for the Tortolos House , Joey called to say that somehow, the night before, he FINISHED the fence on his own, but to come down for the BBQ anyway. And we did!
The Fence, that we did NOT help build

La Jumie getting ready to prep the food.
She made the most incredibly fresh tasting spring rolls, with rice wrappers and julienne veggies galore! They were just heavenly. For Brunch/Dinner we had succulent, roasted veggie sandwiches..........Aaaahhhhh, the wonders of Summer.

Julie & Joe Sr. catching up............

Los Hermanos Chopping Veggies (Love those backs!)

Los Fresh Veggies....YUM!

Master Griller at Work

Hanging Out in Los Tortolos awesome patio

Richmond American Builder had our Home Specialist, Doyle, ask if we'd be willing to have some pictures taken of our home to use on some of their marketing materials. Here are some of those pictures.



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That's All Folks...............Hasta La Next Time..... Viva El Summer!