I'm not trying to turn the Avocado into a cycling blog, but I've had a lot going on in this area lately and it has given me a lot of growth mentally and physically.
Yesterday I raced in the Beaver Creek Xterra. An XTerra race is the "off road" mountain biking equivalent of an Ironman triathlon. The distances are not nearly as long (not even as long as a half Ironman) but the elevation gain and rough off-road terrain compensates for the difference.
Basically the Race is:
- 1 mile swim in Avon Resrvoir
- 15.5 mile off-road bike ride with a 3000 foot elevation gain and lots of rocks to climb
- 6 mile trail. I call this the "REAL" boulder bolder run with a 1300 foot elevation gain, lots or rocks in the trail. I say "REAL" buolder boulder becuase you are literally climbing huge boulders on part of the run. Absolutely brutal..
All I have to say is this... For the last 5 years I have been working relentlesly with constant "Baby Steps" to improve my physical condition. This initially began with a goal to lose weight for our wedding (I weighed 240 lbs when I proposed to Julie compared to 190 today). I have kept constant goals (Lose 30 lbs, ride 6 miles loop under 40 minutes, lose 10 more lbs, Reduce LDL Cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, 20 mile trail non stop, Keep up with super fast downhill mountain bike guys in Santa Cruz mountains, Keep up with a group of expert Columbian Cyclists in San Jose on training rides, Enter a race, do the "Sea Otter Classic" race, learn nutrition/hydration to ride really long without cramping muscles or fatigue, do a half ironman, ride 100 miles etc.. etc.....
I've constantly worked these goals, reaching levels of fitness I'd never have thought. I can do things I'd have laughed about with sarcasm 5 years ago and I've learned to embrace activities I thought I had no interest in.. With all of this work I'm entitled to show up and kick some butt at a local event. Nobody cranks it harder than me! ...... Uh...... Not this event....
The XTerra showed me that there are a LOT of people who are WAY ahead of me.. While it was humbling and somewhat demoralizing, I'm glad I did it becuase it shows me that the goals and learning can keep going and motivation is NEVER a rare comodity... It shows me how much more I can do and never to show up unprepared...
When I look at these athletes I see that there is a real difference between saying "I could do that IF (I wanted to, I had time, I didn't have kids to take care of etc... ) and actually getting out there and making it real... These people Saturday were the real deal and they whooped my butt! I'm not talking about Lance Armstrong or Carlos Sastre. I'm talking about a guy who lives right here in Englewood.. I girl from Littleton, my friend Kerry from vail (a type 1 diabetic diagnosed at age 11), a 13 year old boy or a 50 year old woman I barely caught on the run and even my own Fraternity buddy that I invited to Mountain bike for his first time ever. People you'd see every day. Or people you've known, but maybe you didn't know everything about them! These people rock and they will haunt and inspire my rides in the upcoming year...
So with that said... Here's some shots of the day...
Warming up for the swim
Total mayhem. Kicked in the face, grabbed from behind no visibility, huge handfuls of water scopped into your mouth by other swimers as you try to breath. Brutal.. I wonder if you ever get used to this. Makes it really hard to get in the groove.
2 laps around avon lake - man I was dizzy.. Hard to do this stuff at 8000 feet Elevation!
While you are running to the bike you struggle to strip off the wetsuit. That huge hill in the background was our next destination on the bike.. Thought 8000 feet swim was bad? How about a 3000 foot climb on the bike to follow?
For some reason I was really light-headed after the swim. I almost passed out getting my bike gear on. I think swimming in gereral pulls a lot of blood to your head due to being in a laid out position in the water.
Ok.. Did I forget anything essential? Food, water, socks, shoes, gloves, glasses, helmet, bike wetsuit laid out so it won't get destroyed.. Think I got it..
Boarding the Yeti 575.. My bike is so sweet.. Look at that beaut!
Fast downhill takes a toll on your legs.. Trying to find the perfect balance of keeping fast speed while keeping my legs from cramping up for the run ahead of me...
Transition 2: Bike To Run.. Did I forget anything? new glasses without sweat, sun-blocking hat, shoes, food, slam a gatorade in 3 seconds, race number on.. I think I'm good to go..
Julie patiently waiting at the finish..
Josh and Dad..
Finally.. After a 1300 foot climb on the run.. I'm done!
Thanks for supporting me family! Making me PBJ for the run transition, waking up at 5 AM for drive to vail, taking photos, cheering super loud and patiently waiting for the newby XTerra guy...
My race was really a lot slower than I expected but I'm still glad I got out there and did it.. Not every event can be my best one and now I have a frame of reference! Maybe save that for next year with some re-calibrated goals!
Joey, It was great fun watching the race. I couldn't stop thinking of the determination, training, drive and amazing stamina ALL those participants had.
you are an ANIMAL and we are SO proud of you !
Hi Joe,
WOW!!! Your description of the race really gives a good picture of how grueling the race is and how much preparation (mentally and physically) is required of participants.
Anyone who finishes an endurance contest like that is a winner!!!!
Greg and Amy
That race and heat required an immense ammount of determination and grit to complete. Very proud of your accomplishment and dedication to your overall health.
It was heaps of fun being there on such a perfect Colorado day.
Joe Sr.
WOW!!! Great accomplishment. You gotta pretty proud of yourself. I love your determination! So what's next?
You da man Joey! You're gorgeous, smart, disciplined, kind and you're my nephew. Icing...
You da man Joe! We went to BC 2 weeks ago and hiked up the beaver lakes trail & saw the signs for the Xterra bike & run routes. Lots of uphill - looked like fun :-/ ! let's go for a ride soon!
Hey Deb - What's next? May not do another event this year - but just ride for fun. I want to do this again next year though and will be expecting to do a lot better..
Thanks for comments guys!
Joe - really proud of you, buddy. You look like a stud and it's pretty impressive to see how far you've come in 5 years.
It's great to see a great guy doing great things. Really proud of you.
And for the record, from the first day you came out riding with those "super fast downhill mountain bike guys in the santa cruz mountains" you were faster... :-)
I like your pop's goat and Josh's funny face. Also great to see MoonRaka calling you an animal. :)
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