El Senor Greg Reed, Jumie's Dad, was also born on 8/26, so we combine our birthday celebrations whenever possible, and we did this year.
Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes, cards, gifts and company. Following are some pictures of the happy times.
Susie came over to our house carrying multiple bundles of beautiful Gladiolas, which she arranged in many different vases, and we had a rainbow of color in almost EVERY room in the house.
The Painting of the Poppies on the wall was painted by Susie (about 4 years ago)
Josh made me this vase for my birthday in 2001. We were living in Huntington Beach, CA and he went to the Main Street Art Pottery Shop, with his then girl friend, Chelsea, and painted this vase.
I never knew flowers in a bathroom could be so beautiful. The pictures on the wall were painted by an Australian Artist that Joe commissioned while he was in Sydney for a 6 month work project in 2004.
PARTY ON............
On Sunday 8/23, we had a "Make Your Own Pizza On The Grill" Birthday Celebration at Joey and Julie's; and most of the vegetables used for the toppings were from their very own garden....YUM!!
Julie made my favorite dessert Key Lime Pie, the healthy version, and it was SO Good! Gracias M'hijita!
Gabe, Jumie and Sue helping light the candles. It was a bit breezy that day and they kept blowing out on their own. They wouldn't wait for me to make a wish.
Papi checking on everyone's pizza.
Sue and her handsome boys, Gabe and Alex, working on their pizzas....Aaaahhh.....so many choices.
Also, Joey made this table, from left over "Fence Panels" that same morning.......his mind has been oparating at such a high level of creativity, we keep thinking next time we come to visit, he will have built an Airplane that runs on air.
Joey & Deb hanging out, waiting for their pizzas to be ready.
Joey and Deb looking at the spot where Joey's future office will be built. These two are always hanging out, making each other laugh with Crazy "Whatever" Challenges.
Joey, Gabe, Uncle John and Alex just shooting the breeze. It was a nice, relaxing, fun family day.
Los Birthday Buddies
Los Papas
Los Hermanos discussing their upcoming race.
Bow & Arrow Target Lessons in the Suegro's awesome back yard
Amy's beautiful flower garden
Amy, Polly, Amber & Grig hanging out by the kitchen bar
Amy having a light snack before dinner
Polly & Amber looking at their Greece trip picture book
Los Tortolitos
!Muchas Gracias Por Todo Familia!
We're a pretty busy family! Busy having fun anyway ;) I agree with Greg.. Life is GOOD!
The August celebrations seemed endless and I could not think of a better way to enjoy the summer. Feliz Cumpleanos to all and many more!!!
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