Monday, August 30, 2010
Cucumber Avocado Soup
6 medium cucumber, ends cut off, peeled seeded and roughly chopped
2 ripe avocadoes, pitted and peeled
1 cup scallion greens, washed
1 cup cilantro leaves , washed
2 cups buttermilk or yougurt
2 teaspoons toasted, ground cumin seed
1-2 jalapenos, seeded and roughly chopped
Juice of 1/2 lime
Salt & freshly ground pepper
Add half the ingredients to a blender and blend soup smooth. Repeat with remaining half. Taste, adjust seasoning and add additional jalapeno if necessary. Chilled the soup thoroughly before serving. Serve within 48 hours (the soup will start to oxidize and discolor after a day or so). ENJOY!!
Note: I use a couple of more cucumbers to make it less creamy. I haven't used the cumin seed yet, I'm sure it adds a lot of flavor. I use all of the cilantro, not just the leaves. I also use the whole cucumber, minus the ends (I use the seeds).
The soup does not oxidize as quickly as the recipe says; I've kept it in my fridge for 4 days and it tastes and looks delicious.
I also think the reason it has turned out so incredibly delicious is that I have used mostly LOCAL ingredients (not the avocadoes).
The Magnificent Seven, 2010
The Crew:
In hard core Colorado if you invite people to go on a standard, 15-20 mile bike ride, they will kindly tell you "maybe", but when you show up to the trail you will likely find yourself riding alone. When you tell people, "lets go on a ride that is 131 miles, climbing 13,000 feet in elevation and is said to be impossible and it will feel like you have only one of your two lungs", you are joined by six of the strongest people I know (some of which I had never met before the day of the ride). I present to you, the rest of the "Magnificent Seven" in the order that they accepted the challenge:
Childhood friend. The first time I ever saw this guy was in 7th grade as he set the city record for the mile. He was so much faster than everyone else, it didn't look like they were doing the same sport. Today Todd competes in marathons and Ironman triathlons at the highest levels as displayed in qualifying for Boston Marathon and Half Ironman world championships...
#3 Matt Sands

Mines Fraternity Brother. Hadn't seen Sands in years until Julie and I moved back from CA and we saw him at a party. We quickly started talking about bikes and now we'll go conquer a mountain from time to time (never quite this big though!).
#5 Alan Sage

The youngest in our crew. Alan moved to CO one year ago after finishing his service in the armed forces. He's conquered marathons and Half Ironmans at an age where many of us specialized in bar hopping for fun. I hear he was also quite a chick magnet at the summit with several flirting tourists swarming around...
#6 Chris Hakulin

"The Finn". A work buddy of Matt's who signed up at the last minute. He keeps in shape by bike commuting to work daily and running an occasional marathon. Using his status quo shape, not having time to specifically prepare for this ride, he was still one of the first to summit... This speaks so much for keeping yourself a well oiled machine and ready to go at any moment.

While Alan was at the top with cute young girls flirting with him, I was told by a seventy year old lady at Echo Lake Lodge, while she winked at me, that she thought I was the "best dressed cyclist on the mountain". Yeah baby!
Nicole has also written a fantastic account of the ride with many more great photos... Please take a look on her blog, Banana Death:

Raquel Morales (my mom)

Monday, August 2, 2010
Angie & Pete's Wedding
Hello family!!!
Time has been flying by and here it is August already. Amy and I have had a very busy with work (in the yard and on the job) and play (fishing, bike riding, hiking, and attending music/movies/events in the Denver area.) A BIG highlight of our summer so far was attending Angie & Pete's wedding in Virginia….. spending several days staying at a very cute B&B in the country….and having fun each day/evening attending wedding parties, dinners, ceremonies and seeing family members we haven’t seen in months/years while enjoying the sights/culture of rural America in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
All of us having breakfast at the B&B in Bedford, Virginia.
View from the B&B porch as the owner walked his goats across the bridge.
The groom and bride (Pete and Angie)
Barbara (Amy's sister), Lori (Amy's cousin) and Amy
Joe, Julie, Amber, me, Amy at the rehearsal dinner on Friday night.
Lance, Aunt Mabel and Barbara
Pete, Jacob (Angie's brother) and the bride's parents, Tony & Patsy
The wedding
Outside the church: Angie, Julie, Amy, Amber, Barbara, Pete & Joe
The bride and groom
Father - Daughter Dance
Amy, Barbara and Tony... The Martin siblings
Joe and Julie strutting their stuff (check out the attached video)
Amy and Greg