Hello family!!!
Time has been flying by and here it is August already. Amy and I have had a very busy with work (in the yard and on the job) and play (fishing, bike riding, hiking, and attending music/movies/events in the Denver area.) A BIG highlight of our summer so far was attending Angie & Pete's wedding in Virginia….. spending several days staying at a very cute B&B in the country….and having fun each day/evening attending wedding parties, dinners, ceremonies and seeing family members we haven’t seen in months/years while enjoying the sights/culture of rural America in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
All of us having breakfast at the B&B in Bedford, Virginia.
View from the B&B porch as the owner walked his goats across the bridge.
The groom and bride (Pete and Angie)
Barbara (Amy's sister), Lori (Amy's cousin) and Amy
Joe, Julie, Amber, me, Amy at the rehearsal dinner on Friday night.
Lance, Aunt Mabel and Barbara
Pete, Jacob (Angie's brother) and the bride's parents, Tony & Patsy
The wedding
Outside the church: Angie, Julie, Amy, Amber, Barbara, Pete & Joe
The bride and groom
Father - Daughter Dance
Amy, Barbara and Tony... The Martin siblings
Joe and Julie strutting their stuff (check out the attached video)
Amy and Greg
Aren't Summer Weddings FUN ??? And it's always nice to reconnect with family and friends you haven't seen in many years.
I loved Angie's short, short hair, but she looks SO Beautiful with longer hair too. They make a very nice couple.
The B&B owner's goats from VA would have really liked our "Wake Up" Hee Haw Noisy Burro from Xochitepec..great picture.....LOL!~
Thanks for posting the dance video. J & J just keep getting better; they're so awesome on the dance floor. My brother Felipe was really impressed with J & J's dancing ability. He said he was glad they got to spend short of two years in Mexico because by learning to dance so well, they could bring the "Mexico Heart Beat" back with them to the USA in their dancing.
Thanks for posting Suegro!
Super fun wedding Angie and Pete! Thanks for having us... Also - I stold two huge tomatos from Tony's garden across from the Station and they became Pasta Primavera the night we returned :)
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