Friday, August 24, 2007


It took me forever to catch up on the blog. Delinquent blogger here. Ju don du dat ju bat ting! Long story.

Here goes what's new with Sue: Just as I was going to quit La Candela (Salsa band), the guys in the band gave me the abandoned puppy look, and those who know me, know I can't say no to a homeless creature, so I bought the band. Now I'm trying to get it back up to ground zero. There, my delinquent blogger excuse. Also, I'm going on a tour with Manuel Molina, from whom we stole comments such as, "I'm so amazing" (meaning, That's amazing), and this one really cracks me up, if one was to say "I love your dress", Manuel would add, "So am I", instead of "Me too". They have now become Manuelismos. On the 4th of July I was so impressed with Amber's Spanish, and I can't wait to hear some more, so let me know when we can all get together again. I love the gatherings. OK, rewind... I'll be traveling to Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Greece and Italy. I think there is one more stop, but Manuel won't answer his phone, so I'm running with this story. I'll be gone from Sept. 19th- Oct. 17th. I'm going knowing that I'll have to trust my sons with the house, gardens, plants and pets. Oh well is all that comes to mind. I've always wanted to feel Greece and Italy, and then add the Middle East... I used to be a belly dancer/instructor, and I always wondered why; maybe I'll find out. I'll try to check email and blogs while I'm gone.

Love you all



MoonRaka said...

Dear Cuncu,
Welcome Back !I have missed you on the BLOG.
Thanks for your comments about the
"I Am From" Poem. It was more like a Novel, but for a first attempt at verse composition I felt that , at least, I got the "Feeling" part.

Your upcoming tour sounds incredibly exciting. I hope you can keep in touch with us, via Internet Cafe. We need to make sure Joey shows you how to post pictures on the BLOG from your cell phone. "So Am I" also need to learn how to 'Do Dat!".
Great hearing from you Handy!

Joe Morales said...

Sounds like an amazing trip you have planned! Sue -Julie had all her friends at work vote for your songs on American Idol! That was really cool too!

Greg and Amy said...

Hi Sue,.

WOW!!!! Your future tour sounds wonderful. You have such a beautiful voice and you are so talented!!! Take lots of pictures on your trip and when you get back we'll have you over and you can show us some of the places you've seen and tell us some stories!
