September is one of our favorite months. The flowers in the yard are at their peak.....
the air is fresh and has just the faintest hint of that fall smell.....
and it's the start of hunting season, which means I get to spend some time hiking around in the woods.
Several weeks ago Amy and I got away for a mini-vacation to Glenwood Springs. We hiked the very rough trail to Hanging Lake, we soaked in the hot springs pool in Glenwood, and we spent a day at the International Sheep Dog trials in Meeker. The Hanging Lake trail was as steep and rough as we remembered (we hiked it many years ago), soaking in Glenwood was wonderful as usual, and the sheep dog trails were very interesting and entertaining. During the sheep dog trails the shephard has a limited amount of time to send his dog off after a group of sheep that are almost a mile away. Then, he/she must control the dog via whistles as the dog herds the sheep through a series of obstacles, around the shephard, and eventually into a pen. It is really interesting to watch and the dogs are amazing!
Around the house news......
did some contract work for the Aurora Public Schools helping assess kindergarteners. What she thought would be a week or two of work lasted almost 6 weeks! But....anyone who knows Amy know that she loves little children and even though the work was more than she was looking for, she enjoyed being back in the schools and working with kids. It also helped to know that it was only going to be for a few weeks and then she could back to her retirement lifestyle (yoga, gardening, bike riding, etc).
My new job responsibilities with Metropolitan State College (more administrative than teaching) kept me very busy during August and September but things are just now starting to slow down to a more reasonable pace. During the past few weeks Amy and I have been able to get back to enjoying concerts, movies, and some lazy afternoons. Additionally, I was able to get away deer and elk hunting during September. While I didn't harvest any deer or elk this year, I had a wonderful time hiking around in the mountains, sharing a campfire with good friends, and having time under a pine tree, listening to the sounds of nature, and reflecting on how lucky I am.
My new job responsibilities with Metropolitan State College (more administrative than teaching) kept me very busy during August and September but things are just now starting to slow down to a more reasonable pace. During the past few weeks Amy and I have been able to get back to enjoying concerts, movies, and some lazy afternoons. Additionally, I was able to get away deer and elk hunting during September. While I didn't harvest any deer or elk this year, I had a wonderful time hiking around in the mountains, sharing a campfire with good friends, and having time under a pine tree, listening to the sounds of nature, and reflecting on how lucky I am.
Polly (my mother) just got back from a two week vacation in Hawaii. She had a wonderful time and she has some beautiful pictures of the islands that she visited.
Raquel was able to join Amy and I for a Jazz Harp concert on Friday night followed by coffee at Stella's coffee house. It was a wonderful evening spent enjoying life with loved ones.
Hello Father in law! Between you guys and my folks, the bar is set so high for active and fun lifesytle! The hot sptings pool looks fantastic. It is so green up there.
Sorry we missed you on our whilwind trip back last weekend. Sounds like hunting was a blast. I smiled when Amy told me that you came back from hunting for a meeting, drafted up some hunting plans and flew right back up for more action!
Hola Suegros,
The pictures of the September colors in the yard, the crystal blue Springs and the imposing Hunting Posse are Amazing!
Thanks for inviting me to the concert on Friday night. I had never before attended a harp concert; let alone a Harp JAZZ concert. It was such a treat! And, in addition to his incredible talent, the musician had quite the "Stand Up" Routine going, si?.(Pictures to come)
The Latte and Biscotti after the concert were yummy; and finding out how the ol' neighborhood has changed since you lived there last (Muchos years ago) was fun too.(Pictures to come).
I really enjoyed seeing one of your first homes as a married couple (which was in the same neighborhood as the concert); and the story about building "little Rooms" on to it as the kids were born.
Thanks again Suegros, and please, keep the BLOG Postings coming.
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