Father's Day at Casa De Los Suegros
Al Fresco Dining
Necessary & delightful kitchen gathering for munchies and conversation before the meal
Los Triathletes
Quintessential Hosts
La Jumie lights up our life
The Loves of my Life
Joey, shooting the breeze con los Papas, (The Fathers, that is, not the Potatoes)
Polly & Fritz catching up
Cleanest Dishes By Estelle
Pretty Lady surrounded by Love......
Joey & Polly....." It was this BIG!"
Grilled Pizza Master
Somebody's gotta do it.......
Moon, nothing like fresh grilled pizza and a glass of Sangiovese DiMago Norante with the Rocky Mountains as background
Josh & Suegro catching up
Jumie & The Grandparents, she's a lucky girl.
JoshUA.......you misbehavin' boy ?
Aaaaahhhhhhh.....Joey & Suegro in relax mode
Los Hermanos & Las Hermanas all squeezed in
Polly & Moon enjoying a perfect Colorado day
For this special day and all others, may we be grateful.
"You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink."
~G.K. Chesterton
Nice family pictures!
Hi Raquel,
Of all the things in the world I cherish....spending time with the people I love is at the top of my list!
Thank you for posting the father's day pictures.
Hello family!!!!
For those of you who voted on my "midnight marauders post..." You are all correct....it was a mother raccoon and her cub. When I caught them in the act...they had knocked over the large metal milk can which holds my sunflower seeds (and weighs about 40 pounds) and it looked like they were rolling it toward the back gate!!!!! Perhaps they were planning on taking it home to their "shop" where they could use a blow torch to cut it open :-)
Since the incident...I have moved my bird feeder milk cans into the garage which is locked at night!
Hmmm.......I wonder how long it will be before the raccoons learn how to pick locks??? I'll keep you posted!!!!
Hey! I missed the marauder post.. Just saw it now.. How funny.
I'm currently battling with a cat that takes craps in the lawn at our new house and once, right outside the window to my office. I was pissed! Maybe I can find that sling shot that Blaine gave me as a kid ;)
Great pics mom!
Racoons are verys smart. I remember my friend Rita telling the story about a racoon getting into her house and surprising her when she came back from grocery shopping. The mischevious masked one was ON her kitchen counter, opening cupboards and helping himself to her food. Rita grabbed a broom and tried to scare him out of the kitchen. Zorro's defense strategy was to beging taking poops on the counter, which he then grabbed with his little paws and he'd throw them at Rita...Now that's one smart animal. When all else fails....just throw your Sh_t out there !
When we were at Casa Reed last, I was amazed by that squirrel climbing on the bird feeder out back. I mean, it had that feeder completely embraced and it was feasting ! I tried taking a picture, but when I came out the back door it spooked away quickly...darn !
Your lovely home is a perfect gathering place, with Rocky Mountain majestic views, the array of color in all the beautiful flowers, that amazing ever-growing garden and of course, The Garanimals Entertainment.
!Muchas Gracias!
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