Last weekend, 3 of us accepted an invitation from Rox and her family to spend a day or two at Lake McConaughy, Nebraska's largest lake with over 100 miles of shoreline, fresh water in Ogallala, NE, population 5,500. Roxy's back deck faces the beautiful lake.
Rox and Bob have been married for almost 20 years and have 3 beautiful daughters ages 14 to 19. We celebrated birthdays for Dayna (the youngest of the Muchachas....we're just a bunch of spring chickens) and Dylan (Heidi's 16 year old son) We were introduced to the beauty of the Lake by amazing hospitality and warmth from Roxy's family and friends, and it was a very special time.
Day, Rox, Raquel & Heidi
Open invitation to the lake from Senor Bob
Day (Dayna) The Happy Birthday Girl
Heidi & Moon getting ready for a boat ride....
Pensive Muchachas and El Capitan
Bob Sky Skiing : Sky Ski, started in 1998 by a gentleman named Mike Murphy, who had previously been one of the founding members of Air Chair, the first sit-down Hydrofoil company. Bob Welsh, Roxy's husband, was Sky Ski World Champion for two consecutive years in the 90's. This sport requires unbelievable focus, strenght, perseverance and cojones! So if you see someone out on the water flying above the water's surface and getting huge air and you're asking yourself "what was that thing they were riding?!" Well, it was a hydrofoil.
Up SO High !!!
No way Senor Roberto....a Sumersault ????
Joe's turn at "Regular" Skis: I haven't done this in a LONG time........
I think I'm Ready.........
Well.... well..... well......
Heidi's Turn
Everyone's been impressive so far.......
Kiki loves Heidi
Rox & Bob Wakeboarding
Joe, coming back from a Jet ski Ride with Savannah, Roxy's daughter, and everyone else cooling off in the lake
Happy Birthday Girl
Beach Buddies
Joe surrounded by Muchacha Love
Jalapeno Poppers, filled with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon...SUPERB!
Heidi and Dylan skipping rocks
Dinner at Casa Los Welsh
Los Senores, chatting and grilling
Happy Birthday to Day- 40 is the new 20,
and Dylan, 16 is the new 40.
Dylan, Joe, Dayna & Bob / It was a perfect weekend.... summer time.....and the living is easy.......
You guys sure know how to have some fun! Always wanted to go the annual Regatta at Lake McConaughy.
Looks like it was a blast!
So much fun. Raka did you try to ski or anything?
Grampie: When we got there on Saturday there were SO many sail boats in the river that it reminded me of Newport Beach, CA
Suca: It was indeed a blast, and the time just flew.
Deibie: YES, I went ona wild & crazy jet ski ride with Rox, and another one with Joe. Joe was having too much fun in the sun and didn't take pictures of me blessing the river.
I almost took up Bob on his offer to let me try Sky Skiing, but I just didn't want to embarass everyone with my keen ability to learn....LOL!
I must say Joe was a STUD, you would have thought he'd been skiing all along. I'm sure he would have tried the Ski Chair contraption if we'd stay one more day.
thank you for your comments.
Looks like so much fun! Did you guys end up driving or riding the harley?
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