May my family become your family,
My friends your friends."
Because reservations were made at different times, and we were flying in 2 different airlines ,the plan, when we got to Mexico City on Wednesday was:
Jessica and Joely would pick up J&J and Steph at the airport, and take Julie directly to the Seamstress , I'm sorry, The Designer (she kept correcting people) to make sure Julie's bridesmaid dress fit.
Joe, Josh and I would rent a car and drive to the hotel, where we'd meet the 4 J's and Melissa and go out to dinner somewhere around the hotel.
It actually did happen that way, but it took a much longer time than anticipated, as we got to Mexico right at rush hour and since it's rainy season, the city was flooded. SO, instead of meeting at around 8/8:30 pm, we ended up meeting at 11 pm. Our first meal in the City was Tacos at El Fogoncito, YUM !!!
Josh & Steph waiting for Tacos de Bistec y Al Carbon. They were just SO excited about ALL the new food possibilities.
J&J : Julie ordered Tacos Al Carbon and Joey ordered EVERYTHING !
Joely was cool as a cucumber for a Bride that had just gotten married (Justice of the peace) that same DAY! She and Jessica actually went straight to the airport from their Comida de Casados (Just Married Luncheon)
Jessica offered to take us to the Ciudadela Market (The Citadel) in the early afternoon, and we'd meet Joely & Meli for a late lunch afterwards.
Waiting for Jessica outside the hotel.
Julie telling Josh & Steph that when they lived in Mexico City for almost 2 years some time ago, they (J&J) used to live in Polanco, the same area where our hotel was.
Jose & Jose
After our trip to the Ciudadela, we kept getting lost following Jessica's SUV in our rental car. Everytime we thought we had lost her for good and we were heading back to the hotel, she kept "appearing" on foot from back streets, telling us where to turn around and what streets to take. It took some incredible ingenuity and some really big cojones to do what she did: move her car out of the traffic flow, wait for the heavy traffic to go by, and throw the car in reverse, going against crazy Mexico City traffic, to try to find us in our red jetta. I'm sure J&J, who were riding with Jess, learned a lot of new curse words from all the drivers Jess was pi__ing off. I swear, we'd be waiting at a red light, thinking we'd lost her again....and there she would appear again, running on foot.......making signs on how and where to follow her. We'd stop at another red light, thinking, "o.k, this is it, we have really lost her now"......NOOOO......she'd be right behind us AGAIN.......SO her new name is "JPS" as in GPS, don't leave home without one.
AND....we finally made it to El Bajio Restaurant for a late lunch......and it was worth the wait......Oh yeah........
Moon's Enchiladas Verdes
Steph's Pollo con Mole
Josh's Carne a la Tampiquena
Joe "In Heaven", enjoying his Caldo de Pollo (Chicken Broth )
Baskets on the wall
After a fantastic breakfast at the hotel, we met Jessica, Meli & Joely and caravaned to Xochitepec, about an hour and a half drive from Mexico City. It was a beautiful, clear, morning and we got to see some lush, green, fresh areas in the outskirts of the City.
The Hotel in Xochitepec
Just Arrived ....and the water in the pool is so refreshing
Las Hermanas
Joe & su Cunada
Uncle Joe & Meli
The Woman of the Hour, Joely, taking care of business and ready to ORGANIZE some stuff!
Sun Worshippers
Lety & Armando
The Girls chatting "Wedding"
Lety, Ruben & Armando
Joey, Underwater Swimming Champ / 2 lenghts of the pool. Joely came in 2nd with one full pool lenght.
Synchronized Swimming By Joe Sr. Joey did very well too...we just couldn't catch him for a picture.
Horse Racing
Swimming Contest........On Your Marks.......
Joe Sr. won once, and Joey won once. With a little practice, Josh could smoke them.....his hands are like OARS !
Water Warriors
Spartans ...I mean ESPARTANS!!!!
Only 2 couples left.....
Not giving went on for a LONG time.....
And The Winners.....Joe Sr. & Meli ......BRAVO!
2nd Place- J&J......Yeah!
3rd Place-Josh & Steph.....If memory serves me right, the other two teams ganged up on this Trojan Horse and his Rider something fierce......Foul Play !!!
La Familia
THE REHEARSAL/ Friday night
Joely & Daniel with the Wedding Planner
Daniel and Bruno, his Best Man
Gentleman responsible for the wiring and illumination of dinner tables
Joely communicating the order of the procession
Armando, Julie & Meli waiting for instructions
Walk Down the Isle Order: Julie, then Meli, then Armando & Jessica
Musica Maestro....Tan, tan, ta, tan.... Tan, tan, ta, tan.....Julie
Armando walked with Jessica
Luz Maria, Daniel's Mom, and Victor, her husband
Armando & Lety
Uncle Armando & Meli
Joey, official driver to the bride, practicing , with Jessica and Julie's help, how to help the bride out of the car, how to grab the dress, which hand to offer, which way to turn, etc.....
On the right side are Luz Maria, Daniel's Mother and Victor, her husband,
Ruben & Jessica, Joely's Parents
Ruben, Joey & Josh
Steph, Joe & Moon, making our way to Dinner
Enjoying Aguas Frescas (Fresh Fruit Water) at the Reception. They had Lemonade, Horchata (rice water), Jamaica, Cucumber, and they were refreshing !
Blanca (Omar's girlfriend), Armando and Omar. Omar and Daniel, the groom, had a Dance Mano A Mano to the tune of Michael Jackson's Billy Jean and it was EPIC! We were so excited watching them we forgot to take pictures.
Felipe, our oldest brother, and his wife of 38 years, Nora. They are Omar and Hiram's parents. Hiram and Omar are 6 months older than Joey and Josh, respectively. Hiram and his family were not able to attend.
Meli, Steph & Josh
Los Primos y Las Novias
LaPareja / The Couple
Taking Off The Veil
Mr. & Mrs. Maldonado's Dinner Table
Los Primos
Los Hermanos Y Sus Hermosas Damas
J & J...just warming up at the beginning of dinner....they would dance until 4 AM the next morning. The wedding props kept coming they had watermelons on their head, pears, pineapples, ranchero hats, Justin Timberlake hats, girls had veils, guys were wearing aprons......SO many props...SO much food, pozole, esquites..Guerita (Steph) excelled at the Limbo Line Dance....I'll never figure out how she could bend her back that far.....SO MUCH FUN!!!
Omar & Blanca
Josh and Omar figured out that they had not seen each other in 17 years, which means they were 9 and 10 years old the last time Josh was in Mexico City.
The girl in the back, with the tattoo on her shoulder, is our cousin, Erica, whom I had not seen in 25 years. Erica and her boyfriend were amazing ballroom dancers.
It was a wonderful occasion and memories will be forever treasured
We Love You Joely & Daniel !
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing Handy. That was a lot of work! I like your hairdo.
So very beautiful... But the best part was the love and friendship being shared by family and friends.
@Suca: Blogging can be a lot of work, for sure. I still hope you do it, though.
I could write a whole other post on the Hair/Make Up situation. Thanks for liking my "Retro Poof".
@Grampie: I couldn't have said it better Mom.
Thanks for taking the time to share. Looks like you all had a blast. Everyone still looks great!
Such a fun week! Thanks for a great wedding Joely! Hope you had a fantastic Luna de Miel in all three countries! Mom - nice post!
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