Saturday, October 10, 2009

The end of the summer....

Hello family,

Couldn't resist sharing a few pictures of the changing seasons....

Our summer flower pots bginning to fade with
the changing season.........

Changing of the "flower guard" in Amy's front
porch pots....

The first snow of the season decorating
our flower pots...

Our backyard neighbors wondering where
summer has gone....

The cold and snow covering the garden and
signaling the end of the growing season....

and finally....we drove Fritz, Estelle, and my
mom to Estes Park last week to hear the Elk
bugling which is my favorite "fall sound" in Colorado.

Love to everyone in our wonderful families!

Greg and Amy

PS----> for those of you who don't know what "polenta" is and would like to know more about polenta..... the following web-link provides some interesting facts.
The polenta maker machine at work!


Joe Morales said...

Hi Amy,

Beautiful colors and I also love the new stamped concrete on the porch! I still can't believe how early the feel of winter has come. Last year at this time was completely different!

Thanks for making your debut post!

MoonRaka said...

"Just before the death of flowers,
And before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season
When nature is all aglow."
- Author Unknown

Thnks for sharing such great pictures. There's Beauty all around us all the time.