Friday, April 17, 2009

Feb-March-April blog from Greg and Amy

Hello family,

Well it has been a few months since our last posting……so with the snow storm today I thought it would be a good opportunity to update the news from Amy and I.

In Feb and March there were several birthdays to celebrate….Joe Sr., Joe Jr., and Estelle. We hosted a dinner party to celebrate Estelle turning 80 and several weeks later Raquel invited us to their beautiful new home to help celebrate Joey’s 33rd birthday! It was wonderful being able to be together with loved ones celebrating these happy occasions!!!

In mid-March Amy and I were able to get down to Salida for about a week when the weather was so nice here along the front range. We rode bikes, hiked, fished, and listened to some great music (all the usual things to do in Salida).

A few hours "work" in Salida
Dinner for two!

Finally, in April we enjoyed celebrating Easter and the traditional “Easter egg decorating contest” with family and with our good friend Steve Rocha who was staying with us as he passed through Colorado.

The "big people" table

The "little people"
table :-)

The "grandmas judging Easter eggs!

Fritz and Raquel.

Fun in the kitchen!

The purple ladies!

Steve and Polly

Amber and Brig

Easter Egg
Contest winners (3rd, 1st, and 2nd place)

The winning eggs!

Love to everyone in the Morales and Reed families!

Greg and Amy

1 comment:

Joe Morales said...

Yeah! Easter was fun.. I'm losing sleep that we didn't represent in the egg competition.. Next year it is on!!! Thanks for keeping the blog alive in 2009 Greg! Lets keep it going!