Familia and Friends,
I've entered Che in The Cutest Dog Contest and I'm hoping you'll vote for him. Some of you may know that I foster dogs through Colorado Furbabies and to this date have loved up, nursed back to health and fed 39 precious souls. Every week Colorado Furbabies gets a call/email from surrounding shelters, asking how many lives we can save, our volunteers offer their homes to however many they can accomodate, and the rest get euthanized. Since I can't sleep imagining the horror they go through, I take in a lot of dogs. Che and his two sibblings came in very bad shape, were hospitalized and almost died costing CFB thousands of dollars. When they came back to my home I had to give them all kinds of meds and a nebulizer treatment 3 times a day. My kids and I all fell in love with the litter, but Jessi decided to adopt Che. Che has been living with me since he was 8 weeks old and he is a lover! One afternoon I let the pups lick my paella pot clean after preparing them a nutritious soy dinner, Che climbed into the pot and took a nap. Here is the photo. If you'd like to show your support I would appreciate it. We have the opportunity to win cash prizes which will help save even more lives. You can vote once every 24 hours. Just click and register to vote at the following link: http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=8A4ACBDE354EFD01E6884AF3285FEE3E Please pass it on.
Thank you!
Being "The Cutest" is impossible, just turn the corner and there is another "The Cutest", and after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think this contest is more about how many people you can move.
Handy, great post.
We'll be voting EVERY day. I really like his name.
I voted!
Thanks familia!
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