Saturday, January 5, 2008

and more from Greg and Amy....

Hi everyone,

I was reading the daily Avocado and I tried (for the first time) looking at the video clips located on the right side of the page.....and Amy and I laughed and laughed at Joe and Julie on the Magic Carpet ride in Las Vegas. After watching...I was wondering if the video clips I take on my little digital camera would work on the I uploaded a short clip from our trip to Austria last summer. I simply opened the window of our hotel room and took a short clip. If this works....I'll add more video in later posting.

Love to you all......


PS---> Sue, I also went to "your my space" is great and YOU are an amazing talent!!!


MoonRaka said...

Senor Reed,

YES, the Austria video works! We now expect you to become the "Anderson Cooper" of the Familia and regale us with Muchos More Videos.

It's hard to believe we are now in 2008!


Suzanne said...

Thank you Greg! I've been delinquent, but I'm back.