Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sushi Party

Julie and I went up to the City (San Fran) last night to have dinner with our friends John and Jasmine. They live about 2 blocks from Japan town so we walked to a Japanese supermarket and got all the stuff to make home sushi. We were skeptical but it was a remarkable success! Fish was very fresh and we were actually able to make the rolls without creating messy rice balls destined for the trashcan. I suspect this was largely due to Jasmine's father's recipe for sushi rice. It made the rice surprisingly easy to work with.
Look how legit we look :) The most fun part was making up our own rolls and naming them.
Master Sushi Chef John Reeves preparing to make his signature "Last Samurai Roll"

Master Chefs Jasmine, John and Julie

Julie's "Snapdragon" Roll.
Signature Rolls:

John: "The Last Saumrai" and "Sushi School"

Julie: "Snapdragon" and "Snapdragon II"

Jasmine: Rice architect - but I forgot her roll name :(

Joe: "The Mountain of Power" and "Jomomaki"


Greg and Amy Reed said...

Hi Joe and Julie,
The sushi looks great!!!


PS--> do you put small decriptor sentences with each picture you post?

Greg and Amy Reed said...

Hi Joe and Julie,

The Sushi looks great!


PS===> Joe, how do you add sentence's next to pictures to describe what they are..???

Joe Morales said...

Hey Greg,

Those small descriptors are just regular text. I just select the text and click "Center" and then there is another box in the editor where you can change the text size and color. It works a lot like microsoft word - just not quite as nice.

Let me know if you have problems doing it and I can put a screenshot out there so you can see exactly what I'm talking about.

MoonRaka said...

I want some Sushi NOW!

Great pictures!

Where's Ella's Roll ?